90 Flom to Mortifit Secondly,the finfulneffeof it Thirdly,the operationor workes of ir. Firlf,for the better underffandingwhat it is,know that in the fouie ofman there is a facility, Secondly, there is an iriclination , which doth adhere to the fa- , iiyailea cultie , and Thirdly there are aanall defires which flow from hat inclination, byway of Similitude, the better to conceive. Firff in the mouth there is a paI- late, fecondly, thedefied ,humour, and thirdly the taft ; So in thefoule of man, Firfl, there is the natu- rail atfeCtion, fecondly,there is an inclination which is the tuneablenefi'e , or untuneableneffe ofit and thirdly,there is thedefire,or atuall works ofit. What's meant By concupifcence is meant, the evil! inclination, byconcps- and the fruits ofthe evill inclination, and by it the ' tom, "' habitual! coneupifcence, from whence the a6tuall defires.ofevil! will follow. Roma 6.12. Let notfinne raigne inyour mnrtall bodies, thatyeeAmidobey it in the lkfl thereof Firff there is a finne, fecondly,the luft ofthat finne, and thirdly theobedience,that is coil i:ent to the finne. There is a concupifcence that is natural!, andanother that is moral As there is a concupifcence that is bad, fo is thereanother that is good , and a third that is neither good .nor:: eviIlo Thei e was in Chrift a defiire to live , though it were Gods will he fhould die, yet obeying, hee did not, finne. On Lift dayes wearecommanded fo to doe, yet the deftre.to tall: corporali foodon fuch a day is not finne. Secondly, it doeth proceed from finne, and one finnedoth beget another, fames t.15. Coraeupitence dlthbri;igfoorthfinne, Rom, 6.12. Let not fNne raigne . i