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ETitiCOnctspifilnee. i 9 rryour roortall bodies (that is) Let not doncupilcence but to underflandwhat the finfulneffe of it is, know that (iinne in fpeciall, is the tranfgreffionofthe mo- rail Law, any facultie that is capableofa fault , it is finne,that isthe defedout; Man flail bee fubjeEt to reafon , and reafon fhouldcaufe him to fubmit him- feife unto the will ofGod. The morali law is a rule A ofaóion,not ofhabite There is a double law,a law of adtion, and a lawwhichwe call that law , which God did ftarnpe on thevery Creature. Take anE- piflle,or a learned writing that is madeby art , there may be Logicke , Rhetoricke, and grammer rules brought into confirme it ; So in the law , there is a ílampe &a rule,at d every obfervation from it, is an errour in it.Ifaman didal that is inhini,ufedhis beft endevor to fubduehisevil concupifcences,& yetcan- not,yet it is not futhcient for him,every man hath,or ought to haveftrength in him, to rule his affec`îions. Ifamatter command his fervant to goe and doe finch athing , ifthe feruant goerand make himfelfe drunke, and then goeth about ir, and cannot bring it to paWe, a'though bee doe his good will for todo it,he is not tobe excufed,becaufe he did lode abilitie through his owne default; Sowe, God at the firfl did make us able for to fubdue our lufts, but wee in Adam having loft theability ofour fiat eflates,and yet may recover ftrengthagaine, to fub- du- our lurks in Chrifl the fecond /Yarn, ifwee doe it not the fault is In our felves. Now we proceed unto the thirdparticular , to flew unto youwhat is the operation, andworking ofthis evill concupdcence. A a 3 gt double I.arv dSimïéea' . 3 What is the o, perationof e- vilconcupi- (cartee,