196 X301'toMortife The Apofle.when he would have them morti- fie thefe lulls , hee would have them confider the meanes how to fuppreffe them, there be flrong rear Eons in the word of God for them : Let them lèarch the grounds theyhave for the committingof thofe His, and it will be an effe&uall meanes for themor- tifyingof them: If mens judgements were reaifi- ed to fee their follies, they would change their courfes, and turne the bent oftheir af'eäions ano- ther way ; I fhould deliver many things unto you in this kinde concerning mortification , to let it be your care , that it may worke upon your inward af- feaions, that you may make it profitable unto your owne Soules, and that youdoe let it not paffe from youwithout doing you good. The word of God which you heare is not loll, it (hall certainly doe youhurt ifnot good it !hail harden if it doe not foften : It is an ill figne if a treedoe not bud in the fpring, but to fait without leaves in the Winter is no wonder at all; So for any to heare the wordofGodpowerfully preached, ueditat;an and not to have good wrought on them by it ; they and laying to have great cute to feare their eflates, It is this me' ;heart, is the ditatrna and taking to heart, which is the firff arrears aneans minor- t, uification. I prefcribe for mortification® 2 Weare faid, fecondly, tomortifie, whenwe fup preffe and, keepe downe thofe lifts ifwee keepe thembaekc from their courfes, that they doe not bring forth the fruite ofSirve : All ae}ions when any Sinne is executed,they tend toevill corruptions. Ifwee abflaine from the anion of Sinne, then it cloth