, - J9,8 Hai toMortifie perance is a great means tokeepe backe thefeeyilt affe6tions. qr. Now I proceede tomake tire ofwhat bathbeene formerly delivered concerning there three Sinnes,, fornication,uncleantneffl, and rod concapipence : You may remember what hath beenefaiel concerning the greatneffe ofthe Siont ofuncleaneneffe , It will fol low then if it be fo great a Sinner weeMould ufe- mettnes to be freed from it. Thole that are guilty ofit, let them give themfelves no tell, their eyelids no number, nor Godno ref}, till they be delivered from theband ofthis iniquity.' ,s4ps.2 .25 .Remeni. -ber what Elie faid to his fonnes, if one man finne againfl another, the ludgelhalljhqgt him, but if4 man finne againft the Lord,tvhofhall entreatefirhim ? When God doth take in hand togild the Creature, them. it is intollerable , man flail finde it tobe aqerrible thing_to fall into the hands of the living GOD. Take an arrowe or a bullet, and let it be (hot into, thebody ofman, it may wound deepelye and yet be cured againe ; but let the head of that arrowe be poyfoned, or the bullet envenomed , then the wound proves deadly and incurable : There may be in the body ofman many great gafhes and deepe wounds, and yet be cured; but if affliffion lyes on the Creature from the wrath of God, he is not able to beare it ; it cloth caufe him to trem 51e , and his confcience to be terrified within him, as wee fee by,, men that are inderpaire. Brafim; Now the reafon ofit is, Godwhenhe finites the Creature in his wratklhedothwound the5pirit, and