i rvlll Concupifeencei 99 as it were doth breake it in funder , as God loth breake theSpirit, fohe loth fuftaine the Spirit ; but when he doth withdraw °himfelfefrom the creature, then the ftrong holds of the Spirit are gone. This is to thewyou what a terrible thing it is, to fall into the hands ofthe living God. This as it doth be- long toall fo fpecially to thofe have received the Sacrament this day or before, that they make confcienceofthis Sinne, ifthey doe not,they receive it unworthily, and he that is guiltyofthis, is guilty ofthebody andblood ofChrri ; fleedifcernesnot theLords body , neither doth hee prize it as bee Mould , nor efteeme of the excellencie of it as hee ought : Hee difcernes notwith what reverence hee Mould come to the Lords' Table- ; therefore faith the Apofile, Heels guiltyofthe body andblood of Chrilt, that is ,. hee is guilty of the fatneSinne that thofewere that didcrucifieand niocke Chritilefw. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper , is a fpeciall meanest and chiefe ordinance of God for the at- tainment of his hidings, ifit be rightly received; and fo it is the greateft judgement that can befall a man , if it bee not rightly received, for Chrift is chiefely-reprefented therein: The bloodofChrift is themoft precious thing in theworld, when men flhall account this holyblood ofthe newTeftament, tobe but an unholy thing , and to trample it vnderi fonte, God will not beare with this Nowwhen a man doth come to the Sacra mends in a r vgligent manner , in not preparing himfelfe worthily to come., hee is guiltie of the Bb .3 blood