Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Coitehfs: Meanes to the mortification of this finne-, are I. A labourfor an affitrance ofpardon favour finnes; p.203 Abflinence from all occafioneffinne, p. 3. A delight in graceandWimp, p. 206 4. Fervent and heartyprayer, p. 207 Of inordinate AFFECTION 'DO CTR r. ALL immoderate41lions muftbe mqrafed,p.2ri What Affedionsare, p. 213 The ,Ippetite double, lieseatiaV F 213 Naturall, Threearts ofviffecrikins, Carnall, p. 214 Spiritual!, ..4fenionswhen inordinate, p. zi6 Triais ofthe inordinacy of Age& ions, are t. Toexamine themby the rule ;theRules are I. The obieUmull begood, p. 217 2. Theendright. 3. The meafore right. 4. Theorder andfiafonfitting. 2. Toexamine them by the elfells 3 The e ec7s are 1. Thedillurbanceandht,. dramf ofreafin, p.718 2. An indr#ofition to holy dui ics, p. 219 3. Theproduaionofevtil da/MS. 4. TheIrawsnrsfrom ood, F. 220 ;That it is to mortific affiliions iflordiaate, ibid. Rcafons