2 00 . bt toMortifie blood ofChrift ; For ye arenot onely to becareful to prepare your felves , before the receiving ofthe Sacrament , but allo of your walking afterwards. Therefore confider , you that have received the Sacrament, or intend to do it, that youdoe clenfe your felves from this pollution ofheart and fpirit, and that youdoe put on the weddinggarment, that is required of all worthy receivers, Let your hearts be changed, andyour affe6tions, and ac`ions be free from all kind ofevill, and your hearts be turned to God, elfe you cannot bee worthyreceivers , and fo much fhall fufficefor this ufe, that feeing this finne is fo great , every man fhould endevour to free himfeIte from it. Secondly,, feeing the ÁpooVedoth not onely exhort us to abftaine from it , but alto mortifie, kill, and fubdue it , Ifthere werenothing but a meereabflinerce from ill , then it is not pro- ,perlya mortification:, for then the impurefl adul- terer fhould fometimes bee chaff after his impure manner of committing it, and therefore the cef- 'fationofit is no truemortifyingofit, and that you may know mortification aright, I will give you three figues. 3. Firft, you (hall know it by this, ifthere went Signes ofmor- a generall reformation both in heart and life be- 4fication, foe, when the heart is generally let aright , is good changed and renewed to , and from thence Is a generall reformation indoeth arife a dying to the.fe lulls, then it is agood h;art and life figne , but if orherwife there bee no particulars changed in thee then it is but acelfation , not a mortification , but when the whole frame of the heart