Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Evaconctpfted'= lei heart is altered , yea even from the very roote, when the old man in the body of finne is woun- ded even to the heart, that is, when a man hash hath Beene foundly humbled for his finne , and afterwards bath his heart affe ed to Chrift , and is corne to love God, and bath his mind changed, then he may truely reckon it mortification. Secondly , youmay know true mortification B by this , by having a right judgement of finne, mien heti e and a true loathing and deteflation of it 3 It is is a right iudg- hard fora man while hee hath any hone in him, ment offin true to judge rightly of it , for then a man is given ir. to an injudicious minde while hee doeth onti- nue in it , As when a man is in prifon , if beeSi c nilßa loath have continued there long , though the fent bee bad, yet hee cannot difcerne it, but let this man be brought to frefh gyre, and bee carryed to that prifon againe, then hee will finch the noyfomc- nelle ofit. So when a man is in finne, hee cannot truely judge oft, but when he is efcaped from it, then he can rightly and truly detefl , and judgeof it, when a mans foule is righteous there is a con- trariety betweene him and uncleanneffe, a righte- ous fouledoethdetef fin , both in himfelfeand o- thers ; as Lets foule was vexed with the abhomi., nationof the Sodomites. Confider how you are af- fec ed with the tone of others , Rom. i.verf 32. They were not onely worthy of death, who did commit finne themfelves, but of they that hadplefure in o- thers, when aman can truely deteft finne in others, as Lot did, and doeth truely loath it in himfelfe, them