2Ó2 Rol/ toMortifie ! 3 And taft figne of mortificati. on,is attuali abflinence from finne. tinf. then it is a true figne of -true mortification; The laft thing toknow mortification by , is an aduall abftinence from every finne , it is one -thing todiflikea finne, and another thing,- to bee wearie ofit, andtohate the finnefullnede ofit ; Ifimorti fication bee true, he will hate allkind of unclean- neffe with an inveterate hatred , bee it ofwhat de- gree it will , Sheepe doe hate all kind of Wolves, ifa man doe truly mortifie , &c. his hatred to finne will bee general] , not onely in abftinence front grofte finnes, as murther, adultery, and fornication, but alto from all other finnes ; For when 2: man forfakes finne, out ofhatred, his rancor isofiudge- ment more then of paffion , and fo likewife his hatred will be confiant. Men may beeangry with their finnes.fometimes, and fall out with them at o- ther times , and yet be friends againe, but if they doe truely hate finne, their abftinence from finne will be conflant, when a man becomes a new crea- ure, there will arife, a contrarietie to finne in his nature,fo that ifa mandoehate fin, he is truely laid tomortifie. Here may a queflion beasked. Whether after truc mortificationamanmay fall into the famefinneagaine or no ? For anfwere hereunto I fay, a manmay fall a- gaine into thead offin and nncleanneffe after mor- tification, for thegates ofGods mercy ftand open tamen after theirgreateft relapfes ; But yet he doth ever fall into the loveof finne, and ofpurpofe for o finne. Thoughhe doe fall into thead bee cloth not t