Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

E of coneupfcettce. aa; not return to allowofit,and towallow in the mire, for it is impoflibleto do fo after grace,yet we cannot i ut up the gates of Gods mercie to thofe that have often relapfed, fo that a mans confcience is witneffe unto him that he is not remiffe in themeanes hec fhouldufe, though hee fall into the adof finneuna- wares,yet he doth it not with fet purpofe: Now you may judge whether you be mortifiedyea.or no The meanes tomortification are thefe. t The firf't meanes to mortifie, is to labour for theof meanest() Ia.; oforcfj furance ofpardon ofthy 6nnes; Sinne is never mor- b furarnce ofheapaf: rifledbut by the fandifying Spirit , there may bee a don for out reftraincd ípirit in us to kcepe us from the at offin,{nnes. but it can never bce mortified but by the fandifying fpirit ofGod, pardon for fin is had by theaffurancc offaithyin Chrift,and the way toget thisforgivenes, is to be truely humbled for ourLimes , acknowledg- ing our own mifery,andour owne wants, and to lay hold upon themercies ofChrift Iefus,and tobee lif ted up by the promifes of theGofpel ; Confider, whatfoever your firmes be,whether againft the light ofnature,or againft knowledge , Let amans relapfes benever fogreat, and agravated withnever fomany circumftances, Nevertheleffe,ifa manwill come in, our commiffion',is topropound unto them without all candition,or exception, that thegates ofmercy Randopen for them, M r. r6. r5, there is our Com- mifiion,Go. ye into allthe world,andpreach the Gofpel un- to every Creature. What this is in the next verfe it is fayd. Ifaman will beleeve,befhall befved,but hee that belecvetbnot, Mall be damned. Thereforewhatfoever Cc your