Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2.04 Hok toMortifie your finne be,let nothinghirtder you to come in, tOf ifyou come in,Godwil receiveyou to mercy,all the hindráce then is in our felves.Confider thefetwo ces ofScripture, .Cor.6.9.Piatti fpeakingto the Garin, thians,ofthegreatellpule that ever mans nature was Cd p pableoffnehwereye,(faith he/kwnow ye are walbed,and are fanUified andjuflifiedin thename ofthe Lord iefta, andby thcfpiri: ofow. God So IIP9 the 2.6'0.12 . and let ve.The Apolik doth make no queftion,but that they might repent,and have forgiveneffe,you may know how willing God was to forgive great firmers, all the matter is,ifwe be willing to apply this pardon to our fives. To leave ourfinnes in generall , to take Chriti tobeaKing, afwell as our Saviour. To deny our felves 5 andto take up Chrifis Croffe, and then there is no queftion but we mayhave this pardon fealed,and 'allured us. Certaine it is, men will not doe this , as todenie themfelves , and take up Chrifts Croffe , till they bee duly humbled , and have repented their finites, but fo it is,that menwill not prize Chriff,untill that vengeance fall upon them for their fins , would they butdoe it, they might bee fure ofthis pardon, were their humiliation trueand fincere, it is fuffitient, the IAofthe Reveh everfi,z 7. Andthef)irit, andtheBride fay,come, andlet him that hearethfay, come, andlet him that is athirifi come andashofiever will , let him take of thewater oflif efreely . Firft, here is, Lahim that lea- rethcome,that is, To allwhofoeverthis Gofpel o preached unto,the promife is gencrall toall : here is alfoadded, Lahim that ii,athirft come:there is further added, Let who- kj 44,