06 How to Mart f e. ing intangled in it', afterwards proceedes a will therunto, and laftly, the committing of the finne which Bothbring foorthdeath fo that death fol- lowes finne; When a man hath committed the finne, it caufeth thehardening ofthe heart, and fo makes him not fenfible of the things ofthe fpirir ;.. Thegreater fnnes doecaufe the greater hardnings, and makes the heart for to become evil!, and to a mancomes to have an unfaithfull heart, as an A: thieft to thinke that the Scriptures are not true,, that the prornifes of God are not true: and laftly, unfaithfulnefl'e , it caufeth a departure from God, as iniebrewes3.r3. An unbeleeving heart caulthá departure from the living God. Take heed there bee not an evill and unbeleeving heart in you , for if there bee then there will bee a departing from, God , therefore wee fhould not bee led by any thing to gaze upon finne, that wee may not bee intangledin it. Therefore lays at the firft checke the very beginnings of finne, and refill all oc- cafions. 3. A third meanes to overcome this finne, is to deanes, ÿ bee exercifed with the contrary delights , as with race,iiolia nefreo Grace, and Holineffe. This is themeanes to mor tifie the heart, and to emptie it ofall kind Hof lulls, and they cannot be emptied out of the heart, un- letfe better things be put in fiead thereof; ycu;. cannot weaken blackeneffe, better then by white. Therefore the way to change theheart after finne. (tall objeds and the mortifyingof thefelufis, it is to get delight in better things , and to labour to