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Brill Conctipfcence a ü 7 tohave neerer communion withGod, & to bezea- lousofGods caufe,i .Cor. i o 6. Lafl ofall to conclude, Themeans for mortify® 4. ing ofthisSinne, is you mutt adde prayer untoall Manes i the ref': Topray unto God tobaptize youwith his prayer, holy Spirit ; Let a manbe left tohimfelfe, and it is impo tliblefor him to mortifie,except Godwill doe it; Therefore wee are to pray unto God to give us his holy Spirit. When the Spirit ofGoddoth come into the heart, it is as fire, and puts another temper upon him thenwas before; It turnes the firings of his heart to another tune, and doth make hire ap prove ofthat which God doth require. This is the way to mortifie lull. The more a man is carried to the loveofone, he is many times the more removed'. from another; but the more a man is caried to God, the more heis wayned from inordinat lufts, & being mortified,he is the moreenclined to God, ,14sä1.3.2. who /haliflandwhen he appeares?for hee ù like a Refrners- fire,andlike to Fullers Sope. Chrifi (hall doe that when he comes , that none elfe is able to doe. As in refi- ning andpurifying the heart, dewhat meaner you will, except youufe fire , you cannot refine droffè from flyer : So haines thatare in a mans garmenr;, wash themas long as youwill with Sope, they will but feeme the worfe; but when they are brought to the Fullers hand, they are foone rubbed out So let aman be left tohis owne Spirit, beewill runne into a thoufand noyfome luffs ; but when Gods Spirit is cloathed in a mans heart, then it doth keepe him from the wayes offinne, Revel. I. t o. It is laid of C c- 3 lohn,