Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

oS Plow toMo r tifie lehs, Thathe vu rrv:jhed in the Spirit, ae man locked' in armour When the Spirit of God cloth poffare the Soule, and compaffeth it about, it keepes it from the waye's of iniquity, and caufeth aptneffe vo ,,good, i. Tim. 17. For God bath notgiven us the Spirit e_ffiare, but ofpower, of leverand ofageedandfound minde. And the reafon why men doe neglect ir, is, becaufe they know not the way to get ir. They know not the power and efficacieoftheSpirit, and that is the reafon there is fo hale effed in this bufi. neffe. Let a man bee left to his owne Spirit, and Gods Spirit removed from him hee will lull after all evills : Take example of Eliah and John Baptifi It is laid ofZahn, that hee came in the fpirit ofEaak, which did excel! in him. Take Eliah, and extraa that Spirit from himwhichhe had fromGod , and hee would be but as other men. Take the deare Saints ofGod , and take but this Spirit from them, howwould it be with them e Even as it was with David, when God did but as it were hide himfelfe a little while from him , into what dangerous Sinner did hee fall. Therefore pray to God that bee would give you his Spirit, and that will bee a meanes to mortifie thefe lulls within you. lt is the Spirit that cloth make difference be- tweene Man and Man , and for the getting of ir, pray to God carnally, and hee cannot denie you. I will namebut one place more untoyou,Aas2.38. 39. Repent, andbe baptizedevery one ofyou in the name ofLelia Chrift for the remßion ofSinnes , andyouA411 receive the gift of the holy Ghoil , fir thepromile t unto yea,