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concip ence. .20 you, andyour children, and unto all that areafore of even we many as the Lordour Godfhall'call. So that the men which were converted at Peters Sermon, did ask; Whatfhaffwee doe tobefaved ? Mee Paid, Repent, andbekeve, andyee!call receive the holy Gho.Fì ; And further addeth , Theprong f is made to you and toyour children, andyou fiall be partakers ofit. Not that the promife of the holy Ghoft did be- longonely to thofe that were then prefent, but to all that have beene borne lance, andare to be borne both of lew and Gentile, to as many as (hall call upon the name of the Lord. Therefore doe y'òu now as the Apofllesdid then,when Chriitold them hee would fend them theComforter, they fpcnt the time inprayers until' they had it : So doe youpray earneflly, and be inflant with God for it, and theca certainelyGod cannot denie it you; and when you have the Spirit ; then-youwill mortifie thofe lofts, and all other Sinnes whatfoever ; when you have this Spirit ,J ofSobrictie, ofTemperance , ofLove , of meekenef , ofgentleneffe, oflongfaltering. The Lord.` gratuit you underftanding inwhat hath beene fpo- ken.. And fo much for this time. FRIS.