2f4 Hero to inortifle inordinate afflaion,, and tocall away thatwhich is evill ; therefore are thefe affedions fuchas apprehend either good or evill, tokeepe theone, and toexpell the other 5 thofe that apprehend good if they fee it andap- prehend it, they loveand defire it, and love de-- fires tobe united to the thing loved, and adeire is a making towards the thing abfent ; when the thing is prefent we joy in it; when itis comrning towards us, and there bea probability to have it, thencomes hope in ; ifwe bee like to mitre ofit, thencomes feare ; ifnoprobabilityofattaining, thencomes indefpaire ; ifthere be any impedi- ments againli reafon and right, thenwe areangry at it ; and this anger is anearnell delire to remol,e the impediments; otherwife ifwe fee rearon and juftice to the contrary, thenwee are not properly angry.. Thefe are the affeaions that are about good, and thefeare the&LI kindofaffeftions. The2. fort ofaffeaions are thofe that are a- boutevill; as in the former there is love ofGodlo here to turneaway from evill , is hatred ; if evill be comming, and we be not ableto refift it, wee feare, ifwebe able toovercome it, then are wee bold andconfident;ifwebe not ableeither toover- comeor refiit the evill,we flye from it; ifit beUn. avoidablyprefent, vve grieveat it. But to handle themmore feverally, and fo to know them as they have reference to goodor evill, for, except wee know them thus, it is worthnothing to us. Threeforts of Thereare therefore three forts ofaffeaions, ate&ions. troali,carnall,and#rituall. Firft,naturall, thefe af- feaions arife fromnature,and tend tonaturall ob. jeas