Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

u an; ionor-4 in®rdinate affiale4 jeCts; as for example, to defiremeate anddrinke is natural], but todelire it inexceffe isnot natu- rail; becaufe theobjeì s ofnatural' affehions are limitedbynature, namely, fomuchand nomore : Nature bath certaine meafures andextents and limits , and thofe fhe exceeds not Natural] af- feçìons make usbut evenwithbeafts. Secondly, there are carnall affe&ions,which are lofts hat arife from the corruption ofnature, and thofe tend to evil] objects, or goodobje&s in an evil] manner: thofeaffc1ions make us worfe than the beat's, like unto the devill,.Toh. 8. 44. To areofyour fa- ther thedivell, andhis lullsye willdoe, that is, thofe that have thofe lofts areas like the divell, as the £onne is like the father, thole that arebound with thcfe bonds,are likehim; that is, they come in a degree to the corruption the Dive] l bath inagrea=. ter degree. Thirdly4irituall affections are Inch as arife from the fpirit, thatis, from the renewing part ofman, and tend to goodobje&s in a holy manner : naturali make us nobetter than.bea(Is ,. carnal than devils, fpirituall make us better than tnen,like to God,havinghis Imagenew ftampt on u ; they lift us upabovemen, and make us like to Angels. Thus you lice the 3, kindes ofaffe Lions inmen. Wemull onlyanfwer onequeftionbefore we go any further; thequeftion is this, Whether there benofpiritual l affeaions, except theyproceede from a generall difpofition, becaufe rnanymen feeme tohave good ñafhesnow and then, and fo feeme tobe regenerate