Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2. ffedions when inordi- nate, How t01X0-it;fie etioi: I anfwer, no,theyarenot fpirituall, regenerated affedions, becaufe thefe affedions in the foule , howfoeuer theyare good in regard of the Author, theholy Ghoft that puts them in, are not fo in re-. gardofthe fubjed,man, who is yetin corruption and not renewed. Ifaman have neverfomuch skill in Muficke, ifthe inftrument beeout oftune the mufickecannot be good; fo theaffedions,-as the fpirits fuggeftions, aregood, but in a carnali man , they areas in an inftrument out of tune : it is true that t hofe flaffies make way toConverfion , but only when the heart is in tune and inagood frame, thenare theaffeetions good, that is, thenonly ef.- fedivelygood, foas to make the heartgood, and then the fruit wil be good,fuch as God wil accept. So much to fhewwhat affections are. Nowweare to (hew when theyare inordin'ate:but firft know,theaffediôsareplaced in the foule for the fafegardofit, that is, to give the watch word, that wemayrepell evill when it iscomming; thofe that are about good toopen thedoresofthe foule to let it in and tomakeout for it,ifit be wanting; as guides that areforthe fervice ofthe foule toput us on toworkand tobemoreearneftin our a&ions, they bringaptneffe anddiligence in doing ; when theymiffe thefeends then they hind4rus inRead ofprofiting us, hurt us in ftead ofhelping us, car-, ry us toevils objets s in (leadofgood,then theyare inordinate either in themanner or theend. This premifed now, that weemay furtherknovv them whentheyare inordinate,obferve thefe 2. things. Firft, examine them by the rule which is the maine