I S Hots tómôrtifis ì,; ditläté ioñ: isacaufe tomake it inordinate; as for example, to delire todobufineffein a mans calling is good, but ifthisdefire prevaile withhim at fach timeas hee flioiild beftow in prayer andholy duties ; as when he fhouldcome to l:eare theWord, then they are inordinate; forfeafon muff be kept to : therefore, whenan affeáion comes,ifnot in feafon, anfwer it as Chrift did, 776e heure is not yet come: this is the way to iudgeofthembydie rule. The f cond triall isby the The fecond way of triall, is to know them by effeas, their effels, and theyare foure, as the rules are 4. EffeE , r. The firft-effet is,ifanyaf eaionhinderreafon,lo as to trouble theaaion,then it is inordináte;for af. fcóionsought to be fervatits to reafon ; iftheydi. flurb,then theyarenot right:as for example,feare is fet in the foule to give thewatch- word, to prevent eviils ifit (hall appale a man, fo as to lethiswea- pons fall, thus it troubles reafon : Joy was put in the foule to oyle the wheeles, and to quicken it more;Ifit domareaftonifh then quicken,ifimnio. Berate joycaft a' man into eaafy when it fhould put himona6lion,orif itbreakeout into immodeft reuellings,and notinto praifes,thy joy is not good: griefe is flirted up toeafe the fouleofpaine; now, .ifit hinder.aman fromenduring that he (Mould en- dure, it becomes inordinate. The Ifraelites in Egyptcould not hearken to c_mofes, becaufeofthe anguifh oftheir hearts,andworldly forrowcaufeth death,thatis, itcaufeih diftempers; and when it thusdriethup the bones, iteateth up the vigor of the foule, andmakes aman out offrame, then it is amiffe; thoughChrift griefe exceeded anym upon ans