HOw tom8rtifde 1t10rtlinatC d 10 2r9 upon the Croffe,yet he committedall to Godwith. out anyditempers. The fecond effeEt is, when they indifpofe vs to Elea , 2; anyholy duty, as we judge ofindiftempers of the body,if there beno appetite to meat or drinker fo affeaionsare inordinate,when they indifpofe vs to pray, todoe good, or to fpeakegood, i Pet.3.7. the Apoftle exhorteth husbands to dwell with their wives s Pe ..74 as menofknowledge ; thatis,in fucha manner,as you may moderateaffeé{ ions withknowledge ; thatyour payers(faith the Apoftle) be not kindred; that is, if therebeanydiforder in your affe&ions one towards another,itwill hinderyourtprayers.By your affeóti-. on you may judge,andasyoumay judge of yourof fe&ion, bylyour duties, foofyourdutiesyoumay judgeby this rule,howyou aredifpofed toholydu. ties; if therebe any interruption,or indifi,ofition,it isa figne there is fome diflemper in theaffeEtions; all thingsare not ftraight in the inward man. The third effeâ to difcouer the immoderateneffé ofaffeEtions, is, when they producewill a6tions, ,Eiel/. whichordinarily they doe, when they exceedethe meafure and themanner : Anger is anaffeEtion let in the foule, to flirre up man to remoue impedì ments ; and thus you maybe angry forfinne, and other things too; now, if it bekept in its owne li- mits;anger is adelire to remove impediments, and not a delire to revenge, that is the inordinateneff`e ofit; to be angryfor finne, becaufe it diíhonoureth God, is good To be, angry for other things re- doundingonour felves isnot evils, foour anger ex- tendbut fo farte, as to remoue the impediments; E e not