Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

22O Hotstomort fie inordinateof ïon notto revenge them: as forexample, ifaman takes away ones reputation, and brings difgrace upon: him ; now, todelire tohurt fuchaman, theaffeQi- on is amiffe, becaafe the carriageofothermen to wards vs, mull not beour rule towards others; but we are tomake this,ufe ofit, to bediligent inkee- pingofftheblow offour felves,b:utnot tohurt ano átph f.4i2o thenman,this is.inordinate.Be angry kitflame not,you: maybe angry,foas itbring forthno evill aUions,or evill effets; foa man may beangry. with the infen- fible creatures ,defiring to remove the impediment,, andput outofthe way that weh hindersthe ations. The laff effect, is, when affeâions drawvs from ffea, God,then theyare inordinate,becaufe they lhould . drawvsneere tohim. But, whentheymake vs to forget God, thereis their inordinateneffe ; for ex, ample we are commanded,. Deut.Ia, a8. Tore- ioyce in thegood things ofGod, but when wee (hallrem joyce inan Epicurean manner,andforget God,it is amiffe 3 for wee"fheu1d forejoyce,thatwee fhould raife up our foules to love and praife ,. and give thanks to him ;, foalto for feareand grieve, ifwee feareany thingmore thenGod, and grieve for any thingmore then forfinne,for croffes,and lofíes,more then for difpleaíing God, there make us forget God, andfo become inordinate. Now followeswhatit is tomortife them, which What it is to wee have formerly.fpoken ofat large;. in aword,it m®ni6e aW e- isnothing elfe l,ut a turningof camail affetions *ions, into fpiritualI, and natural' affections ro a higher and more noble end that is, to eate,. and to drinker notonely fornatures benefit, butforGod, to,