Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Row to mof t ínordindte 22 todoe himhonour,that is the right end ; for to rnor- tifie,is to redlifie,and tobring things that are out of compaífe torule, to fee where they are inordinate, and fo to turne carnali and naturali affeLionsall is to fpirituall. In the nextplacewee will fee föme reafons why 3 theyarc to bemortified., forreafons docwondcrfu why caeyare ly perfwade, and neceffity ofmortifyingonceap- e. noru R Y g` prehended, makes men goc about it;. Let us but confider ofwhat momentrt is to have themmortiv fied,what ill ifwedoe not,whatgood ifwedoe. The firft reafon is, becaufeaffations are actions Rcaf,. ofthe greatenetficacie and command in thefoule, theyareexceeding powerfull, theyare the wheeles or failes which Carrie the foule this way or that way; in that regard, becaufe theyare foeffecuall and prevalent, therefore it concernes us the more to takecare that we reifie them. Timewas,when affeáionsdid obey thewill, and the will theSpirit ofGod, (in the time o£Innocency) but now that fubordination is taken away, and that union diffolm ved, andnow the affeaions move the heart as the windethe Sea, whether it will or no; therefore it Elands you upon to keepe them under. Ametled Sírsár borie is a delight to the rider, ifbee be kept under thebridle fo theaffeaions, iftheybe good, the die better, but the Divell bathnobetter faetors thé theaffe6tions are,if theybe ill,theyare thebell opportunities for him todoemifchiefe by. The fecond reafonwhy they are to be mortified, is,becaufe theyare thofe that makeus eythergood RW. orevill men. It is not the underflandingofrruth,or F falthood