Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

, d,< . 22Z HotvtonsortiA inordinateaffiEiioná falfhood thatmakesus goodorevil men,that is but one opinion and judgement; but as the affe&ions are, andas the inclinationofthe will is, fo is aman good orbad. lob was called a perfect man, becaufe bee fearedGod ; andblefjedis theman that delights in God ; and 411 things warke togetherfor good to them that love God. It is the commonphrafe',ofScripture to judgeofmanbyhis affations, whenhis loveis . right, his feare is right, andhis forrowright; there- fore looke to thyaffeóions whichare the motions ofthywill; fo as theaffeions are, fo is the man, ifmens aetions: are weighed by their affe&ions:: inother Arts indeed,theworkecommends. the Arr tificer, but here, though the aetion begood, yet it is not good,except theaffthions begood, becaufe the will commands the wholeman, fo thegood: nefl'eor badneffeofa man are feene inthe affe6ii ons. Bea The thirdreafon is, becaufe inordinate affehi - on makes much for Satan to take poíï'eon of the foule, therefore it hands you upon to keepe them rightand flraight, EpheÇ4. 20. Be angry,, butfinite not, thatis, ifanger exceed its meafure, itopens a way for Satan to come in,.. and take place in the foule. The example ofSaul, a Sara. T8 . I o. will r Sam 18,10. . illuflrate this, when thewomen fang, Sauls thou- fand,and .Davids ten thoufand, the Text faith, Said' iixas exceedingwroth,. andafter that timehadan eyeupon David; thatmadeway for Satan,he was.exceeding wroth, and the next morning, Satan,theevill fpi- ri.tcame uponhim : fo thatyou fee, firongafl'e i !ns open thedoorefor Satan.. lades, when theai- ions