Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

now tomorti/fe inordinateofeCtio4- ï 2 feâionscame to theheight, the divell entred in- tohire. Hewas angryat the expenceofthe oint- ment upon Iefus feet, and upon that heharboured the firlt conceit ofbetraying him , 14 Macke q. compared with the z o. Witches,youknow,ex- ceed in malice, and this makes way for the divell topoffeffe them ;-and foworldlyforrow,ifit come to the height, itexpofeth the heart to be pofï'effed bySatan.: fobyorange lulls Satan Elides into the hearts ofmen, and they fee it not; and therefore labour to mortifie them. z Pet. g. 8. beefiber and vetch, &c, that is, if there beeany exceffe in any affeh,ion, ifyoukeepe them not in, Satan will en- , re,.s,0g. ter; therefore be fober andwatch,, for ifyeeadmit- anydiflemperhe will enter. The fourthreafon is, becaufeaffe,ìions are the Rea,r4.' firfl petitioners ofevill, though theydoe not de- vile it, yet they let the underftandingon worker. now he that is onely a worker ofill, bath not his hand fodeepe in the ate, as he that is the firmmo- szmíe,. vet : if men are exhorted to abflaine fromevil] aUionsand evil] fpeeches,rnen thinke that there is force reafon for it, but for evil] afleciions they fee no fuchneceifity : but confider you, eviil affedi- ons produce evill a(ions; evil] affeóions com- municate evil! toa man, as fire heatswater,. and yet bathmoreheate in it felfe; foaffeUions make fpeeches and actions eviil: And therefore God judgethby affeâions, we indeedjudge afleElìons by anions,we cannot know themperfeo ly,yet do wejudge icy the fame ruleas farce as the can 5 let 2 manhave an injurydonehim he lookès to theaf- . fartions