Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

How toosorti'k inordínats a iorsä 225 Clocks,iftheywould have themgoe true,then eve- Srmitee ry thing mull bekept inorder: foul aífeetions,keep theme flraight,becaufe they have fuch ahandiu the will; one bathan affe&ion to filthineffe,another to covetoufneffe, another togood fellowfhip, accor- ding to thefe fo are theycarried, and fuch are their a6lions; let their affections be flraight, and they turne the rudder of the foule another way, they call us into anothermould : therefore labour to fub. due them, and fo much the rather, becaufe they make a mannot onely good butabundant ingood orevill; good doth prefcribe toa manexaaly what be (hall doe, but yet leaves fome free-will offe- rings on purpofe, to try our love, to tryour affeâi_. ons; the ruleofduty is left partly to the ruleofaf- feetions, that we may abound in good : aman may doe much in refolution, but theatfedion maketh it acceptable. Pail might have taken forhis labour of the Corinthians, but the fulneffe of his love would not fiafferhim, that is, Godand they fethim onworke. Thus affe.ions make a man abound in good it wasD s love to God, that madehim build a Temple to God In fhort,affeclions make a manbeautiful) unto Godandman. Now,ifaffeEli- ons are fo rare,andyet fofubjal to be inordinate,it is wifdorne to knowhow theymay behelped;ifany thing dothwant meanesofhelpe,this doth,becaufc it is a hard thing tokeepe downeunruly affeetions; thereforewe will come to laydowne fome meanes tohelpe you to keepe themdowne. Mcanes to Thefirft meanes is thatwe labour tofee thed i f_. in°r` dinace affcRi- cafe, fornomanwill feeke for.cure, except befee °ns. the Meaner. a,'