Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Foz'tsmëtifie its®r tazrlé ióñ; 227 itsofe&ios,is to obferve them inariy extraordina- -y accident;iîany lofecome toa roan in his eftate, or ifhe be croft inhis fports, or hindredofhispur- pofe,let himconfider how he dothbeare it, that is, tryhowyou carryyourfelves towards it;this wit be a good meanes to difcover our átfedioiis,when they corne to thefe flops and lets,theyarébell difcerred by us. Secondly, in this cafe it is good wee snakeufeof ethers eyes ; aman fees not that inhim felfewhich +flat der by doth hee is free from the affection which another is bent unto, and therefore another anbetter judgeof it;as aman that is ficke ofa fea- aer, hetca,,not judgearight oftafls, becaufe hee !lath loft the fenfe oftailing , that which is Tweet simile: nay feemebitteruntohim ; but he that is inhealth ;an .judgeoftails as they are : therefore, it is good to makeufe offriends, and ifwe have no friends, it is wifedome in this cafe tomake ufeoían enemy that isP, toobferse what inordinatneflepathbeene in them, andwhat bathhappenedunto them ther- by, and fotojudge of'our owile. And this is the firft thingthat I wil c6mend unto you,to labor to fee youraff'e ions,and robe convin- cedof them ;"when this is done,in the next placewe evil come to feethecaufes ofinordinateaffe6lions; and Teeing we are applying medicines, as we (hall fee the caufes ofinordinateaffections , 'fo toeach ofthemwe all adde their remedies. The firft caufeofinordinate affe &ion ,is, maf -4p., reanedies of prehenfon 5, that is, whenwee doe not apprehend inordinate things aright, our aífeciions followourapprehenfi -r a@0 F f ans