Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Nowto mortrce Wei aaion; 279 Now to reaifieyour mif-apprehenfioncfthem, Remedy firflget ftrong rea fonj for to doe it ; reade theScrip- tures,furn.r(hyourfelfe with ipirituall arguments, beacquaintedwith fuch places, as yemay fee ther- by the finfulneffe of fuch af?FeLions : it is great wifedome in a man, firft, to uinie.out the thinghe is inordinatelya.ffeaed to, andnever to re(t, till he find the things that are finfi ll inhim : therefore the applyingofreafonwill make us able to doe it; o difwecandoe fo, wefhall beable togo through the things of this world rightly: You are inor- dinately affecged to wealth ; Apply reafon and Scripturehere, as thus It is a wifemans part to ufeearthenwife's,as elver; and flyer veffels, as earthen ; the onewill ferve for ufe as well as theo- ther : fo in the things of theworld, hee that is ftrong in reafonandwife, were they reprefented to him as theyare ; he wouldufe a great citatewith- out fettinghisheart upon it,more then if it werea. mean one;& in theconditionofthis life hewould would fo carryhimfelfe, as- if he u fed themnot : this theApoftlehave us to doe, toufe world , as thoughive ufedtt not :and then we thou Id think the bell thingsofthe world tobee of nomoment, and thatwehave no caufe to rejoyce in them. Weeare toufe theworld witha weanedaffeetion, not be in- ordinately carried with love therupon in worldly things ; there is a ufefuln_effe to be lookedat, but to feeketofinde baites in t=hem , and to fet our hearts upon them,thatwill humus exceedingly ; if wee looke for excellency inworldly things, and touch them toofamiliarly,theyveil burne& fcörch F fz us