i;o 11orvtomortl&:nominateaftFlo»', s ; but if we ufe them for our neceifity,and foLife them as ifwed id not,wee (hall finde great benefit and comfort by them. This is the difference be- tweene earthly and fpirituall things , you muff have knowledge of thefe, and this knowledge mull be affecaive, themorelove youhave the bet- ter it is;but inearthlythings, the leffelove wehave, the better it is for in earthly things, ifour love exceed our knowledge, they are fubjea tohurtus.. What is the reafon, a man takes toheart thedeath ofhis friend, or the like accident ? for a while he grieves exceedingly,but withinamoneth,or fhort time after,hisgriefis pafl;and thenhe fees that the deathofhis friend is no fuch thingas he took it for, and thought it tobe; hadhe then frene that which now he doth, hewould not have grieved1much; The fecond way toreutifie mifapprehenfion,isby Remedy 2s faith ; for, by faithwe are tobeleeve the vanityof thefe earthly things,: we are to beleeve thepow- erofGod , who is able toblowupon them, and to caufe them towither ; fo that faith is a great caufe to reCtifie the apprehenlion, as well as rea- fon : Paulcounted the beft thingsof the world,but droffé anddung ; and c wofes cared not for the plea- lures ofEgypt ; it was their faith that caufèd then todoe fo,they did beleeve the true priviledge they had in Chrift ; this doth raife up the heart, anc caufe us moreand more to fee the things that are earthly, how Ilippery andflitting they are. ewedd 3; , The thirdway toreáifiemif-apprehenfion is ex; perience ; wee are not fo much as to touchus of that thingwehavefound tobe true byexperience?, let