Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

If 2 3 2 l ow tomortc a isördittatte- a c irtñ; as in them lyed,todoe the like, fo that examplesof others are very effetuall in this kinde. Ifa man would confider Paul, how hee carried himfelfe in the things of this lìte,and howDavid, Rbraham,and eiuofes were affe&ed to thefe outward things,what theyhad, and what theymight have had; theire%- amples,and finch as we have heardof,to beholyand righteous men, or Inch aswenow know tobe filch, is agreat helpe toreaifie the affeftions, and to let the Judgement firaight. C9:re° 2. The fecund caufeofinordinate affe&ion,is weak- neJand impotency, which doth ilieke in aman ever fieace the fall ofAdam, &makeshim fubjea topaf- fion; and thereforeyee fee,the weakerfexe,as they are weaker in underflanding,fo theyare ftronger in pa,ífion.; let aman be weake,he is fomuch themore firong inpaffions;and as his firégth is more,fobath Remecii. he more ftrength to refill them. Theway toreme- dy this, is, togather (tenth ; the more f}rengthwe 'h.ave,the moreableweare to reíìfi temptations,and as a man is weake, fo hce is the more fubjed unto them, (as when hee is young) but flrength over- Simile, mailers them.Af'feaions are ina man as humors are in a body, when thebody is inhealth, it keepes in thefe humors that it doth not feele them ; but when a man is ficke, then thefe humours llirreup and trouble a man : So,when the foule is inhealth, thefe ill humors of the foule, inordinateaffeí`iions arekept in by maine ftrength but let the foule growwBake, and the paffions get ftrength. Now, themeanes toget firength againfl pallions, is to get agreater ineafureofthe Spirit, themore fpirit,the more