How toWon inor ts.,a - 231 mareftrength, Ephef. /3.16. Pray, that you may&e.Epher3,t . firengtheted4y the Spirit ofthe intro-dinar) : themore ref wehave inus, themore weakne í%wee have; the fpirit thatis in us dothlufafter envy, &pride, and theworld. Now, how (hall weehelpe its, but by the Spirit that is without us, thatis, by the Spi- rit ofGad : let a manbe in fuch a temper, that the SpiritofGodmay rule and poffeffehis hart while he is in this temper, his ordinate affeaicfnswill not firre, bùt when the Spirit is away, thenthere is a hundredwaies to caufe them to be unruly : that which feafons amanis.prudence, wifedome, and grace ; themore a man bathofthefe,tl e moreable he is to fubdue them. The third caufeof inordinate affeUions, is, the C'aufe 3,Ñ lightnefofthc mináe, when it hath not arighteb- jea to pitch itfelfeupon, whichwhen that wants, . the affeaion being left touncertainties, theymufk needsfail uponwrcngobjeCts when a man inhis courfewanteth anobjet forhis aime, the waiesof_ his error area thoufad,fowhenamandoth mille the right objet in aff°edion,they have a thou fand waies todraw toinordinateneíf'e: men run upanddowse with their affeftions upon uncertainty, and they never caft hew toTun themafterward, till the end oftheirdaies be runneout. Now, to remedy this, - Remedy._ our way is, to finde out the right obieel whereon the of ediot s (hour: be pitched,and thisobje6 isGod, The right ob fie&of orr af= that is,the affe ions mutt all Tooke towards God, fet3ion, Hof andhave them fixt uponhim ; you are never able to fubdue youraffeaionsand°tokeepe them under, till youpitch themupon God t whileft ouraffe1ï- OM,