Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Sirnál .,"; Cafe. 4C l'iónj t©mortifia rtsorirzte io: ons are loofe, they are unfleddy and unconflant every man, till his heart be fet uponGod, his affe- &ions arewandringup and downe; butwhen aman hatlrGod tofet hisaffe&ions on, and they are once retied in him, thenhe feekes anotherkind ofexcel- lency, and frames his lifeafter another fafhìon,he fees his affix&ions upon other excellencies As whena man patha palace for°tobuild , ifhisminde be tohave it done with excellentworke-manfhip, thenhewill take nonebut principali Hones, hewne and fquared fit forhispurpofe tobuild withal', but ifa man be tobuild a mudwall, any rubbifh and trafh will ferve the turne to make it up : So, whenour affeions are on high matters, filch as God and Chrifl, they looke upon things that are noble, and not upon the rubbifhand trafh of the world, wee willchoofe theprincipalleft 'tones for our fpirituall building : but ifotherwife, we 'hive to finde contentment in the creatures, we care not howwee comeby them, that is, any rubbifhwill ferve the turne to get riches withal', andhonour andpreferment in theworld; but, ifever you will fet your afleetions flraight , pitch them upon God. The fourth eaufeofinordinate affetions,is,that` confufion that ri f th in theheart at the fifirifinZofthan and theyare thevapours and mills that blinde the reafon, andmakea manunable to refifl them, be- canfe theputting out of the eye of reafon, muff needs trouble aman exceedingly ; even as amoate in a manseye troubles'him, that he cannot feeashe thoulddoe; And therefore thefe miffs that arecaff upon