a tomsrtice inorAiñäté aois; i upon theeyeofreafoi, doe make a manunable to refillthem.. In fucha cafe, theway tohelpe them Rem,47° is this, tomake up thebankes when the riveris at the loweflebbe, that is, tomakeup thebankesof our affections, before the tideofinordinate affecti- ons do come in; weare not at firfl, able to rule there inordinate affe&tions, but yetifthebanks bemade upafore-hand, we maymortifie them. A man is to confider before, how he is able tobeaffect ed,and for this,let him looke into the formerwaies,and fee howhehath beeneaffeCted, and how he isapt tobe affehed againe; and when he is in fuch circum- flances, let him take agood refolution, never to re. turne to fuch inordinate affections, as hedidafore : Whena man is ficl eofanAgue, togive him phy- State, ficke when hee is in a fore fit, is not the fittefl way, itis not then infeafon ; but it were bell to bedone inhis good daies, beforehis fit : foweare to makeup the bankeof our aí ehions, before the tide ofinordinate affelions doe come, to have a flrong refolution, we will not be led by fuch an of feetion asbefore,. Andifthis prevailenot, thenwe areto fufpend the execution ofour paffrons, that is, to doe nothing fora time : Ifa man findeany pailion inhimfelfe, let him abflaine for that time, (ifit be poflible) from the doingof that which it moves himunto; becaufe, that he is then moll fib jeCt to doeamide: You fee, abarrel' ofBeere, ifit Simile be furred at the bottome, drawit prefently, and it will runne muddy, but ifyou let it refa while,and then draw it, it will runne clearer: fo aman inhis pafiion, his reafon is noddy, andhis.aarons will Ggy.