t.'aufe. S . Remedv. 2 36 Hom to rcartifie inordinate affatón, not come offcleare ; therefore it is good to fu (pend theexecution, howfoever: For the fufpendingof the aCtion in time of paffion, is very profitable, thJugh aìman thinke for the prefenr, wiiilefl the paffion isuponhim, that he lothnot erre, yet be- caufe thenwe are molt fubjea to erre, fufpend for a while. Paffion is a hindrance to the faculty, as jogging is tothe arme whenit is a fhooting,or unto the hand when it is awriting therefore,when a man doth find that paffion isonhim;Iet him do nothing : A drunkenmanswifeft courfeis togohome,anddo nothing that night, unleflè the goodwork ofrepen- tance; ourpaffion is a kind ofdrunkennes; the one is al moil as fubjed tomil- take an error, as theother. The fifth caufe of inordinate affeEtions, is the corrruption ofNgtsre, which is in every man lince the fall ofAdam. Will you know the r,eafon, why Beares and'Wolves, and Lyons, carry themfelves focruelly ? It is,becaufe theirnature is to doe fo; Wil youknow why a finful man is fubjcd to affect things inordinately? the reafon is,becaufehebath a badnature; it is naturali tohim todoe it, "and as ready tohim as fparkles offire to flyupwards; We fee fame men areapt to be taken with fuch a dif- cafe, that is bred and bornewith them, theycan- not efcapeit. Now the remedy to remove the evil- nefit ofnature,is,toget mein natures,that is,toget an- othernature, a holy,regenerate difpofition, untill then, men (hall neuer be able todoe it; many la- hour tomortifie their affeîions,butyet cannot, be. caufe theyare bufieabout the particulars, and ne- ycr regard the generali they can never make the branch