Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

How to mortipinordinate a vioñ. 237 branch good,except they makethe treegood,there- fore, t4e way to mortifie, is toget a new nature Confider whether your nature be renued, whether that becall intoa newmould, if ithe, this is the way tomortifie inordinateaffeEtion,this is theway for the generali Soallo it (hould be our care for any particular affeE{ ion, thatwee finde our felves molt prone tobynature, labour to thwart nature in that particular : Areyougiven towrath by nature? endeavour tobe humbler and meeker then other men; Is your nature moreinclined todefineofgain? Labour to be eftablifhed with a more free fpi_ rit; and -this will be a meanes to mortifie you; otherwife, you !hall never waine your hearts from earthly things, till youhavea tafte'offuch fpiritu. all things ,that is, you (hall never win your hearts from joyes, except you have joy and delight in Chrift,you Thai( never overcome the griefe ofloffès and crofles, except you turneyouráffe6tions to fee the loathfornnefhe offinne: Contraries in naturedo expell oneanother; cold is expelled with heate, darkneffewith light; fayou muft expell carnali af- fedionswith fpirituall. The 6ht caufeofinordinateaff'c ions,is carelefneffe Carafe. 6, and remifneffe,that is,wantoffpirituall watchfuines over the heart,when menrather giveoccafion unto theaffalions to be inordinate, thanprevent theoc- calions of it. For the cureof this, take heed, not ofRemedy finne onely, but oftheeccalions offine ; for a man to hate:finne, and not tohate theoccafions ofit, is to deceivehimfelfe, that isall one, as for a man to walke upon Ice, that isafraidoffalling : Ironwill simi/i. Gg a move