_a;a' Florotomortifië inordinate af ion. move,ifthe loadflonebeneer :fo.theaffe&ions will ftirreup,ifthere be anyalluring.fi-nfull objesa. And therefore,if fumeknockat the.doore.of your.heartsg; youmuftnotlet it inprefently;,but askehis:errand, . pleadthecaufewith it,, and. confiderthehindran- ces and inconveniences that comeby it. For a*nan to fay, I wilLgiveovermylufis,., andyet will.keepe fuchcompany asheedidLbefore,. and ufe. his, old Prov.ztoI9, &haunts,he.dòthbut deceivehimfelfe, Prow.22,19 . z3.jQa. .mitkelhafreine0ipwitban tgrymn,n4withafurious MO;thou thalt mot or; Prsv.23.3 o Benot amonggwine- bibbers,_that is, i thou Taff ufed this company, and . ufeft it flit, thou fleeft notoccafions of fin;and they- fore we muff watch.over.our foules,thehearti, deceit- fud-abwe.-a1 things;.takeheed.to.thebeginningofyour affe.ions,andTooke tothebeginningofinordinate lulls,.: whenyoufeeitrifing,. if youperceivebut a- glirnpfeofit,.. quench and refill it, elfe it will colt you agreat-deale ofmorepaines afterwards : theof feaions by little and little giving way. tothem, will Tooneget ffrei,gth, ifyou let themalone, you, fet yourheartsand minds one. fire: A man that is . full ofanger, or any paflïón,knowes not how tohelp bimfelfe,fò dangerous is it to give way to affeeti- ons, that theycarry a man unawares to. befl way therefore istoquench it at firn;. ifyou cannot quench it when it is a.fparke, how willyou-doe when itis a flame ?- As.youvareto loom to the beginning,, fo takeheedofmakingfalfe tru- ces with them-; for¡iñordinate affe&ionsdoe more hurt byambufhes and fecretinvafions, then by o- pen.warre, therefore-looke tothemon every fide;