Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Flomtoaortiae inordinate affàsonn z 3 q left they rob you of grace before you are a- ware. The.feventh. caufe.ofinordinateaffethons,is. the cofi.. root whereon theygran, ,. labor to fee the root,, and re- move it done affation doediflemper the minds it drawes on another diftemper , and youcannot lefl"en that latterinordinatenefï'e, unle.ife youwca- ken the former, whichwas therooteof it.. As for example; Angergrowes uponpride, you thal ne- ver ieífenorcure that;affehionofanger,exceptyou weakenpride: Nowpride.caufeth anger, andcon- tention, tombwas angry, whence came it but from hispride? when a man throughpride.knowes not himfelfe,, lie.forgets God;. And this .man thatfor- gets God,, will' bee violent in his .griefe, . in his complaints, inhis feares, in his delires, andwill never be healed, till he be. humbled ; andbrought toa bafe.eílimationofhimfelfe. Laflly. Lwouldhaveyou to know, ,that God is theonclyAgent in this-worke ofmortification and thereforehave dependanceuponGod, for it is Gods,Spirit that muff caufe aman to mortifie : man is notable ofhim.felfe,. except Godperfwade: him, Pfut.33; r 3,14. ExcepttheLordfpeake_once- and twice to us,-we will not regard it a.: Paidwas 1'61'33433r+. troubled witha Prong; affe&ion, what dothhe? he goes to God,and prayes to him to take away that ilrongmiff";. and fo rnufl wedoe, pray toGod in Faith, doebutbeleeve, .. andwe (hall haveour re- quefsgranted :. continue inprayer, and holdout withoutwearinefè,. andbee.your affeetionswhat they will bee, yea, never fo flrong ; filch as you 94 3 thought_,