Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

240 How tomortifieinordinate- afe ioi. thought would neverbe mortified, yet you (hallo: vercome them. Fire The lafl ufethat is drawne fromhence, is this ifinordinate aiedionsare tobee mortified then is anyexceffe in any defire finfull and forwhich wee ought fharply to reprove our felves : many grieve for fome or other temporal" things , this is moderate , when theycan:yet joy inother things fowe qualifie our griefeswith joyes, and our joyes with griefes we arenot inordinate : but we are to take heedofexceíle in them, for thatmakes them finful; as our over-grievingat loffes and croffes;our over_ loving ofearthly things, toomuchdelight in fports ; Thefe are turned into finne to us, affeâi- onsare fet in the heart for the fafegard. ofthefoule; a Poole indeed, for want of skill may hurt himfelfe with them, but he that is skilful", knowes how to ufe them without prejudice tohimfelfe; and if theybee thus well ufèd, they are very ferviceable to the foule; but ifthey beonce prongheaded,that is, get the bridlebetweene their teeth, fo as,they will not bee ruled ; then theyprove hurtful" unto us. Marke what tbe Wifernanfaith ofthe lull: of uucleanneff"e; and it is true ofall fuck lulls , the firong man is Elaine by them : therefore , fight a. gainft the lulls ofuncleane and inordinate affeai- ons. And that you may doe it, and beewilling to part with them, marke thefe motives following. Motives to The firfl motive I take out of i Tim. 6.10. The Conquer and Apo mafter ffle (peaking ofcovetoufneffe,cals it the roote inor , dinareairefti ofallevihl,&ic. andwhat maybe laid ofthis, maybe motive.., ® faidofanyother finnevery truely; this isonemoo rive