Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4242 EJotV tomortifeeiflòrdinctte tjfillhi: aman : So immoderate griefe -addes afiliaion to aflli4ion ; Immoderate !cares are worfe than the thing feared , whereas otherwife, a1idions are nothing grievotís,ifthey be rightly ufed:; PiNiwas inprifon , and fowere lofeph's Brethren, yetyou fee thedifference ; the one full of Joy, theother full of griefe and forrow, becaufe they had finned .; theirconfciences were not whole , they could nor beare their burthen : therefore, looke to your af- festions, that youmay pafi'e through thechanges ofthis life withmore comfort, if you cannotbring yourminde to the doing ofthis, then bring thofe things toyour mind, labor to mortifie them, and that is the bell way to bringyourmindes to the things ; mymeaning is, ifyoucar of bring your minde-to love worldly pleafureand contentments léfT'e, ,mortifie them to your mind, thatis, looke notat them, aspleafures or contentments; if you muff love tliem,let them feeme leffe lovely toyou : dye to them in affeí`lion, or elfe, letthem dye to you in apprehenfion; True indeed, without Gods over-rulingPower, we can doenothing yet wee muff ufe the meanes, as we feein the calling ofa dye, it isnotinus towin as wepleafe,but yetthe playing of the call is requihte fo themortifying ofthe affeóions, it isnot in us, yetwe mullufe the meanes for to'doeit; letus not give fatisfalion to any lull, but hinderit to our powers : it is a fhame for us to have our hearts affe6led with any finnefull lulls , were wee more carefull of our foules, diefe inordinate affe&ions wouldbee more broken and kept downe by us. Beieeve it,'