now- tómoorráfiehhordinnie of fèaioi;' 2, 3 it; flrong'affeâions breed ílrongaffliaions, and fay,thou fhouldei have riches and contenment in simile; earthly things, and yet have inordinate affeâi- ons , this is no helpe for thee, it is but an ap- SÍ 1eé plying+ ofanoutward plaifter to an inwaid fore, that will doe it no good. The third motive is taken from i Timothy6.9. theApoílle fpeaketh there of thedeliire ofriehes, eTtsóe he faith , that it breedetbmany foolí/h and hurtfull ' '94 lufls, in that regard, wee should mortifie them, becaufe they are foolifh lulls, and fooliíh, be- caufe l+urtfull ; when a man hurts himfelfe out offorce miilake, or by his owne heedlefl'eneffo, bee is properly faid to be a foole : It is proper- ly folly , when a man hurts himfelfe, whil'll he feekes to doe himfelfe moil good; wee feeke to doe our felves good, when we give fatisfa}ion to every loft, hilt y'r t17phnrrt»>r %a1uPS, (Irange affeions inviteus to Panne, and finne brings to mifery ; and thus they are hurtfull. Shun them therefore, feeing God hath appointed them to he mortified, let us mortifie them; whatfoever God hath appointed to bemortified, andwewill not doe, it is as hurtfull for us, as ,khans wedge was to "than; which is calleda turfed thing: And foevery unmortified luft is a curfed thing. Take IKdg.6.:4;T we heedof ir. The fourth motive is;this, becaufe inordinate- Motive. 4, peffeof affa}ions hinders us in the doing of the good aQions, wherein our happinefle Both=con- fiff, theymake the faculties of the foule unfit to doe the things they fhould 4e : as fames X. 20. Iam.r.:® Hh the