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244 How tomortiflepodmate a emon. thewrathilrnan workethnot the righteoufhefeofGod that is, it difableth a man to worke that righte- oufneffe, he fhould doe ; andwhat may be laidof wrath , may be laidof anyother affedion Asof Nt.2., 7 malice, Pet. 2.1. wherefore laying afide malice that is, while thefe are in you, you cannot heare the Word as ye ought; So for inordinate delire ofgaine , Ezek. 3 . thereafonwhy thepeo. Euk 37, pie heard-withoutprofit,was, becaufe their hearts went after their covetottpuffe ; mortifie thefe hilts and thenyou fhall goe with cafe and fafety in the wayofgodlineffe, yea, we fhall be carried toit, as a.boate is withwinde , withall facility and expe. diteneffe. ()ative 5': The flit motive is, becaufe of the fhame and difhonour they doe bring men into; men are a- . fraidof fhame in other things, 'it were tobewifh- ed , they were a, f'rniA ofchime in this; Every inordinate affedion is a fhort drunkennefre, and it brings, the drunkards fhame to aman ; drunkennes difclofethall, and fo, if therebeany corruption in the heart, inordinate affediondrawes it forth. E- very man is afharned of indifcreetneffe in his car- riage, now, what is the caufeof indifcreetneffe ? it is the defed ofwifedome, either the forgetful- neffe or not heeding of the time, place or adion we areabout; and what makes, ;his forgetfulnes ? it is the drunkennes ofpaffion. When the A- lums poftlehones would flew, who wasawifeman, he faith, he willfrew out agood converfation i. his works; therewill be meekenes and gentlenefre in his car- riage andbehaviour but, ifthere beany envy or ftrife