A Summe of the chie- feft points, contained in the Remedy againft Co vetoufnefle, C °vetorsfnrffe defined, and plainely /hewed ^hatitu, pagei,and 30 Idolatry co ififfeth in three things, p. Inwhatfence, covetoufiseß is called idolatry. p, s To feeke help and comfort from riches or any creature, and notfrom Godalone, is vainand Jinja. ibid Covetoufneffe which is idolatry, is to be mortifi- ed. p.3 and46 Theuncertainety ofriches. P4) Reafns whyriches areuncertain andvaine. p, Men fendfo much time in Peeking after riche andtryßlcs, that theybave notime toferveGod. p,8 The rich mars, may net glory in his riches and wealth. p,9 God cangiveus comfort withost riches. p.io ¶ 2 Ha-