The Contents. Signes toknowwhether our love to the creature, he rightor no. 28,29 Our a, feaion or defire to riches )il inordinate in farsrerdeels, 31 Ifioeheforondly humbled, weeonfefe ourlelzses,not oriel), unworthy the leafi ofGodsrrsercies,but wor- thy to bedefiroyed. 32 :RichesandwealthMay . not be f aìght fir by ionlam fullwanes. 33 Ourend andfcope infeekingtoget riches, mull be, not tofrrve ow:Ayes, or our owne lulls, but to glorifie Godwithall, 33 Seekingfor riches-inawrongManner, isinordinate infiveparticulars. 34 ixwhat r3eéIs, richesarea blesfing. 3 ç Men.may lawfullydefreriches, referring andfub- inittingtheir wits to God. 36 There4 a threefoldnecesfitÿ, wherein menmay de - fire thatwhichia.neee¡fary. 37 Reality againfdefire offuperfaityandexcejfe.38. 39.40 Tlsee`nel ofasens edible it not to f rapeand rakefor riches and wealth. t Men-may lawfully take care to increafe their ofat gloving theright rule. indoing it. 44 I9hen.a man is to beaccountedand holden fora co - - vctouaman. 45 Exhortation tomoriifie this earthly member, Co- vetoufnelfe, 47 Efeö,u$il wearies to route Covetaufneffeout ofour hearts. ibid i ti' 3 A