TheContents. How Chrifl fbould be the endandfiope ofall our aWont. P.72 The charraliers and market ofmen /)iritually dead. P.73,and 79 Repentance makes a dead man tobe a living man, andtherefore notto be delayed. p.83 Naturalsmen are6ut deadmen, whatexcellencies foever they have. p.84 How tovalue the ordinances ofGod. p.8 5 That allwho are in Cbrill, are in a flatof life. p.88 Fromwhom,andwith what, thrs lifeis hidden from naturallmen. p.89 TheSaints mifreportedandevillfroken of, p.9o Men are hardlyperfwaded, that there is fah a newjjirituall life ofgrace. p.9Land 94 Proofsof!t, betidesor without the Scriptures.* ibid The effias and experience ofa newwiritualllife. p.92 Differences betweene f aperfiitio,s and themorns!! l ; and this new,jbiritna1lifé of p.93,&c. Common and true Grace, wherein they differ, P.95 Signs to know theprimal life ofgrace by sand thecomparing it with the naturall life. p.96, and 59 What isexpelled and required ofthem, towhom this talent ofthe new l èofgrace is commit. ;ed. p,96 4f 4 They