TheContents. \They thatfpend their time in idle ortr and 'psi. ties,areyet dead. The happy elateofbein inehri is and to bepar-- t#kors ofthis f 4fr, is tobe known and prizedaccordingly. z o r how and :n what fort, we mafi missdeworlds,, things. Allother things vain and deceivable, in campa., brfonoftlss'pirituallnew life. 103 Thy iseprevailing life. 2his n"wlife isfarremore excellent than thecom man life, 105 Theunionhetweene Chrifl and tu. $a6 The life ofgrace brings liberty to them that have it. Which fhouldmake thofithat have itnot,tofeke and thofi that have it,carefullto retainand keepe it. Though the hefimày fometi neabe foyled, yet they recover themdelves and maintaine a woreIlia againji their corruptions. How to knowwhcthe tee. wake in the Spirit,or ' zn How toknow ,whetherour worker 6é ls'vingworkes, or deadworkes. olives to make su defire thfs`blPdprituall fe, 120. &e, 411 m nfeecheboppish0y yet never fandeit without f eking God, ntanceputs a new liftinto mess, 12 g ones to get thisprstualllè 13o %gin o ?ledge