Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheContents. Knowledge, thefir1t ua?Ies, ib. 131) &6., II The fecond mtar es togct this life, is tobe much in I doing. Is4I The .th. ird meanes to get this lie, is togetfaith, 136 Thefourthmeanes to get and increafe this life, is the communionof Saints, 140 Thefi ft andlaß meanes toget andinereafe this life, is the hearingof the voyceofthe sonne ofman, 2 The hearingofthis voyce, is the only meanes to translatemenfront death to life, 144.145.6'C. What thevoyce ofthe Sonne ofCod is, 146.147 Thu effecluall voyce corififis in two thing.", : 17 Three degrees ofworking this light of life, by the .Spirit.. Adouble voyce oftheSonne ofman, 149 c. '7',/è o thatheare(viz.obey) the voyceofthe Sonneof man, have exper,mentall knowledge. 150 ffec`lu ll knowledge_, bred by this v4yce, makes men approve, jrsffifie, andreli/Ih thewayes of God. Aright knowledge breeds holy affec ions. I,56 Lively kpowledge brings firth aclïon. 15 7 Wee mull examine ourfelves, whether we have heard the voyceofthe SonofGod,or no. '59 Which wee Jhall know by our lives and aTionr, I60 The gill im edimeylt hlrtdrin?men p Pona hearing Chrifl voyce, isJ7 e pafd?nea, or felfcóoneez I; tedne/ e. 1611 The' A~