TheContents. Thefecundhinderance or let , is long caflome, p.162 The third let is ¡militeade, which likefalfewares deceivesmen. p.163 The fourth impediment, is fag. experiments , in limeworkes f God,that fhould draw to nearer to him. p.164 The fife impediment is ignorance. ibid The/1xtimpediments,is inconfideration. p. 166 The(eventh impediment, is acertaineJ1if emefe andel/Jimmieofwifl or minde. p. 167 Meaneshow toheartprofitably. Topraélifea little, is the may toget more. p. z 68 Feareful judgements on them that receive not the loveofthe truth, p,í69 Cod curfeeth barren andunfruitful) bearers. p. 170 D f bediente to the Go, ell, grievoufty ?Unified, p.171 Agnes to heartthepreaching ofeods wordpro- fitablyforour converton, and buildingoftu up inour mollholyfaith. p.172 ibid P.174 P.175 p.176 p. 18o ACaveat or warning both to .Minijers asdpeople. p.181 Vaineexcufes willnotfervebefore God) p.182' Thefecondmeines. The thirdmeines, Thefourthmanes. Thefife meines, Thefixt meines, The