e'd5,165,6 aaW5-1,. klomtvq?klPepz:p TheSumme ofthe chiefepoints contained in theTreatifeof Seife-denial!. Ø Yt ofChriA, we aredeadmen, 18 5 ByChri wegaine lifederma, 186 what we mu/t doforCbri , /t, viz, Deny o:Rrfelves, take upourcrofe, &c. ibid tyhofoever willhavebenefit dyChri,,, mull follow him. ibid hvomaineimpediments that hindermentor fni lowingChriji ibid ctibofever willdelayeddy Chrif, muffdenyhim. fife. What it it todenyottrfilves, p.I88 z88 what ourfifeis, p. why corruption ofnat are rs reckoned amansfe ,r inevery man thereare two/el./is, p.189 ibid Ruffin; ofselfe- denial!, 6í,í ,Goa willnotAbide no to thatwhich to limply l un o fdle. P l 14man Mai larrigilly love himfelfe p t9 To deny our f pus, id to deny every f rue, ßoeke andbranch, pa9, ® - We