TheContents. Pilaw I We canna a lo Goaand the worldheth. No lsappinejCtobe foundo,vt ofGad, I Great equity in aersying ourfelves. 199 Thefruites ofbhe flefh,andofthe Spirit. 20 I, flowprone oar nature is to do evill, ib< , And how ree may knowet, How to try,whether we h.tve.interefl in Chri,ñ, or no. 204 flow to knowwhether Wedeny ourJava. 207 Meanes to deny ourfelves. 208 Godnzultiplyes comforts to them that denp them !elves., 209 Incleaving to God, wee mug leave the care and cufiodyof other things untohim. 210 Theright knowledgefChrill, makes atr deny oar [elves. 2Tt The manxerhoì#refliocrlddenyoar f'alves 212 The wayesofGed are,fullofCr'ogesa And therean.s thereof 216 The wales of Gad have much df icul,ty irr theta, andshe reafar,s thereof 217 .t the wayes ofGodarepleafnt to any snan that is uprigbt. 220 Peafons why difficulty in Gods wayes, (liould not difcoutr.igeany man therefrom. 22I We "muft make arcorent before hand, and prepare . for trembles before they come. 223 It is not the may to lseavess that moll mengo. 225 What caufelh perfecution to follow the Gofel. If tree fu,er not in Gods caufefar well dotna wee all 194 198