TheContents. a fhallfuffer ofGodfor evildoing, p.2 2,7 Answer to them whofay, they can doe nogood in Gods can/e, , p230 Againfl di f ouragement by beinga lone, p.231 Many thousnds loft their pules, because they thsnke lefewill ferve the turne in Godsservice, than indeed is required ofthem. p.2 32 Satans wiles indeceiving men, ibid Cold,flight,and cuflomaryperformance ofholy du- ties,dots no goodat all, p.23 3 Wematgo through, fighting, till we have the vi- dory, p.236 It is bard to brineourfettles to goodduties. ibid The crojes and difficulties that are in Gods wages, arean argument toprove,that the do5rinecame from heaven . p.239 The caufe that the craves ofGodarefohardanddrf ficult. p.240 Thedifficulty in Gods wayes,ought to be amanes to humbleus, p.241 All that looke, tohave benefit by Chrir1, mufffoilow him. p.242 Chrilf is to usan example ofthe rule (viz,) ofthe Law. / p243,&C. Though Chrr`fl himfelfe6eabsent in the body, yet be bath left guides to ladeus, in his'lead. p. 243 The Saints that livedbefore us, and went in one path oftruth,are ourguides. p.24.4 We have the word, theSpirit, and the Saints, br our guides. What