The Contents, 'what it is tofollow cbrid. P.245 Andbowto follow 'Jun. p.246 We ;waft followchrift at all times p.47 We mullfollowch. a allwanneroftvgyei;inward , ly. andoutwardly. P248 The obieaand example which wee tistifl fan), p.249 Andnot his example onely,but bid, precepts 111/4 and commandements mmli wefollow, p. 252 Falftboa/lingchriflians refuted, p.253 Differencebetwixt the wicked and the &evil y io finning. P.254 Manyfollow chriflfor worldlyrepas. p.25 DIfereace betwixt the falls ofgood andevil! men. P.257 We mull becontent toförfakeallfer Chri I. p.58 And toBeareall thingsforhisficke, ibid. We ought to have thefame mindinns that was in P.259 Againfl falfi, uncapsflog double mindedmen, r. 6 we mull not /land at agay, batgrow ingrace, and endeavour (what we can) towards per/e. Mon, p,261 Wemuft not prefume togee beforeChriii, but let our minds anddefiresyeeld to his will. p, 262 Five things requiredofthem, that tritely anti fincerelyf011owChris'I. pa264